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FairySource - Faery Magic for the New Earth

Faeries Can Help Find Lost Pets 

Nature spirits love and protect animals and all of nature,
so of course they know right where to look for a lost pet.
fairies help find lost pets
I sometimes take care of children, and one of the girls I took care of lost her wonderful black cat, Ryan. He disappeared for a whole week, and though we searched the neighborhood and put up signs, we still hadn’t found him.

Then I happened to be in a book store where I picked up Doreen Virtue’s book, Fairies 101. In it there was a story about asking the faeries to help find lost pets.

Of course! Why hadn’t I thought of that? (In general, I do not recommend Doreen Virtue’s books, but this one had some good information about nature spirits – that she calls fairies.)

I immediately went out to the garden when I got home and asked the nature spirits to help us find Ryan and bring him home safe and healthy. I placed a gift (a silver musical clef that had once been an earring) out in the flower bed, and I thanked them for their help.

The next day the family called me and said one of the girls had gone next door to pick up a ball she had accidentally tossed over the fence. When she walked past their garage, who should jump up to look out the window, but Ryan!

Here’s the really strange part of the story. The girl’s mother had gone into this garage with the neighbor a couple of days earlier to search for Ryan and had not found him! Only after I asked the faeries for help did he appear.

ask faeries to help find lost petsHe was perfectly healthy and happy, even after a week of being locked in the garage with no food or water. Of course the family and I were overjoyed to have him back home!

Ask, Don’t Tell!

Faeries are not our servants, so please don’t pester them with requests for things you want. However, the nature spirits often seem happy to help our animals whenever they are in need.

As with any friendship, you will need to have a foundation of trust and respect, which takes time to build. Ask politely and be willing to offer something in return. And never expect faeries to give you what you want. They may agree, or they may not.

Please send me your favorite faery stories if you would like me to share them here.

Email Bernadette Wulf

Bernadette Wulf

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