Faery & Nature Spirit Photos
Rainbow Faery
Eunjung Choi shared this amazing photo and story.
This is a picture of an amazing rainbow faerie holding a wand with a star on the top in the first picture! I took this picture in early September 2013 on the way to Shafetsbury England. Yves and I sensed such wonder and ethereal energy on this road and had to stop and take a picture.
And when we read about ‘Shaftesbury’ from the book ‘The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail’ by Robert Coon, it made a perfect sense why we were greeted by this magical being with this star wand!
Robert Coon says in the book, ”If Glastonbury is the Cup of the Grail, then nearby Shatesbury is the magick Wand of Will that must be united with the Grail. When Love is united with Will, then the message of the global heart can be communicated more powerfully worldwide.
Shaftesbury, or Shaston, is 26 miles to the southeast of Avalon…. In mediaeval times, an important abbey for women here was of equal significance to the male abbey in Glastonbury. It was said that if the Abbess of Shaston married the Abbot of Glastonbury, then their children would be wealthier than the King of England.
This saying encodes Glaston-Shaston alchemical formula: “If you unite the Holy Grail of Glastonbury to the directed Will of Shaftesbury, then rich blessings flow from the heart, through the Rainbow Serpent, to enhance all life.”
Faery in My Face
A friend snapped this shot while we were out on a beach clean up. Can you see the faery right in the middle of my face? (People often tell me they see faeries around me.)
English Faery Grotto
My friend was placing a gift in an English fairy grotto when someone snapped this photo. She wasn’t holding anything in her hand, but the camera caught this image.
Faery Lights
My son and me in a flood of faery lights. Always fun when the camera captures things we don’t normally see with our eyes. Faeries often appear as globes or sparkles.
Elf in a Car

These photos were sent by Juan from Argentina. He said there was nobody in the car when the photo was snapped, and the night before, while he was driving, a voice from that position in the car told him to watch out for a possible car accident.
Seconds later a car was right in front of him about to have a head-on collision at about 70 miles per hour! He has a good friend watching over him.
Another photo sent by Juan, taken immediately after the one above –

Faeries in Gurneville

Faery Faces

A photo of me at Faery Falls – Summer Solstice 2004. I can see several faces of Rock People behind me, but for a long time I didn’t even notice the most obvious one. It’s the large face with long, white hair! The bottom of the nose is directly above my head.
Oak Heart
I took the photo above at Howarth Park, Santa Rosa, CA, but never noticed the shaft of light touching the heart of the oak tree until years later when I was looking for a photo for my Celtic Mystery School website.
What a perfect image for a magic school!
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Celebrate Fairy Day – June 24th